May 11th 2009:
Saturday May 9th (less than 12 hours after its
release) "The Bath Song"
was first played by Ferry Molenaar in his show
Weekend Action" at ActionRadio.nl.
One day later the song was played by Woody Harris
in episode 155 of Soundscape.

April 8th 2009:
On 'Monday morning' April 6th, in episode 150
of Soundscape,
Woody played the new track "The
Wandering Merchant" for the first time
on the World Wide Web. The song was preceeded
by the Soundscape-jingle by Longshanks and followed
by "The
Travelling Song, prt.2". Right at the
beginning of this series was a piece from the
"Onion-News", to celebrate André's

February 27th 2009:
Sunday Februari 22nd Woody Harris celebrated
the 3rd aniversary of Soundscape
with a show in which he played, as he put it:
"only a swath of the artists that have
made the biggest difference to our little broadcast".
To our great astonishment that list included
Web of Life"!
Replying to a thank-you-mail that André
wrote to him, Woody today mailed:
"The goal was to place those people who
have been strong supporters of Soundscape front
and center. I was trying to follow the facebook
meme of the 15 albums that influenced you, but
do it for Soundscape. I am still going to attempt
to make the list in the near future and place
it on my facebook page. Soundscape would not
be what it is without the presence of Andre
in chat, and the exclusives that you guys have
allowed us to play."

February 21st 2009:
Despite a delay caused by technical problems
in his studio (malfunctioning graphics card)
Ferry has managed to record a new episode of
the FermanSow, in which "Leave
Me Alone" is featured extensively!
(augmented with a relevant fragment from a comedy
show by Najib Amhali, and with a short excerpt
of Woody's Soundscape, followed by the jingles
that Longshanks has recorded for him lately).

February 11th 2009:
In last sundays episode of the internet radio
show Soundscape
(no. 143, Feb. 8th) Woody & Suzy Harris
were the first DJ's to play the new track "Leave
Me Alone", though they knew this was
the 0.99-version of the final mixdown. The song
was greated with enthousiasm both in chat as
'on the air'.
The show will ofcourse be available for downloading
as mp3 (or streaming) from the Soundscape website.

December 8th 2008:
Since November 13th our good friend Ferry Molenaar
has his own radio show, MolenMotion,
on the internet radiostation Action Radio. Right
off, in his very first show, he played "The
Web of Life" (halfway through the first
hour) and in the show from December 4th he played
& Circles" (halfway through the
second hour), and also anounced our taking part
in the "Serious Request"-action "Demo
of the Day". These shows can be heard at
Ferry's website
(in Dutch only).

September 11th 2008:
Back from absence Ferry Molenaar today has reacted
very enthousiastically to "All
My Days", which he featured in "Mad-Minded-Music"
in his podcast at Boomr.nl: "The
Ferman Show". To be heard in episode
17 (also available via his new website)!

August 20th 2008:
While Googling the word Longshanks, Alex came
across this article in the spring/summer 2008
newsletter by the East Hampton Trails Preservation
In the first part of his article on the "Longshanks"
club Cliff Bekkedahl describes his attempt on
Googling the word "Longshanks" and
finding the description of our website!
You can read the entire article (pdf) by clicking
the image. You can read more on the EHTPS via

August 13th 2008:
In last nights episode of the internet radio
show Soundscape
(no. 122, Aug. 12th) Woody Harris picked up
on the anouncement of the release of "All
My Days" and during the show received
an mp3 for playing. Consequently "All My
Days" was played, hot from the needle,
back to back with "Web
of Life".
The show will ofcourse be available for downloading
as mp3 (or streaming) from the Soundscape website.

July 5th 2008:
In episode 116 of the internet
radio show Soundscape
(June 25th) the song "Borderline"
was played because it fitted the central theme
of that episode. One week later in episode 117
Woody Harris played the 2008-version of "I
Have a Dream" and also used the jingle,
that André had made for his show!
Both shows can be downloaded as mp3 (or streamed).
May 14th 2008:
On May 13th DJ Woody Harris (from
Kennesaw, Georgia (USA)) has really featured
Longshanks in Episode 110 of the American
internet radio show Soundscape:
not only did he play "The Web of Life",
but six other songs as well! You can download
the entire show as mp3 (or stream it). Longshanks
is right in after the first song (Styx - "Grand
Illusion") and is represented with:
- Prelude
- Courante
- Tango
- Cycles
& Circles
- Into
the Dawn
- The
Travelling Song, prt.2
- The
Web of Life
Longshanks sincerely wishes to thank Woody for
the airplay and support!
Woody had found Longshanks via a news item
on the release of the CD-single "The Web
of Life" in the Dutch Progressive Rock
Pages (DPRP).

April 29th 2008:
With the move of Ferry Molenaars "The
Ferman Show" to Energy
FM Longshanks' "The
Web of Life" has moved along with it:
in the first hour of show number 14 (April 18th)
Ferry played the song again, only this time
not as an mp3, but from the autographed Single-CD,
which he has received for his support for Longshanks!

Februari 26th 2008:
Over the last few weeks Longshanks has been
mentioned several times and played twice in
the podcast by Ferry Molenaar at Boomr.nl: "The
Ferman Show".
So he got the scoop on the release of "The
Web of Life" and did an interview on
the phone with André Kamer, to be heard
in show number 7 (Dutch only...).

October 1988:
The demo tape "Cycles
& Circles" received a very favourable
review in the symphonic rock magazine "Sym-Info".
