The history of Longshanks actually starts in May
of 1986: André Kamer placed a small
advertisement in the 'Delftse Post' (local newspaper)
and posted a note in the Musical Education Centre
of the Delft University, stating that he (a guitar
player) was looking for musicians to start a band.
Two guys responded and on wednesday evening the 28th
of May Peter van Heijningen (guitar) and Rob
Boshuijzen (drums) dropped by to meet and talk.
Rob had brought a friend along: Peter ten Haaft
(bass). They agreed to meet again on saturday the
31st of May in the dining hall of 'O.J.V. de Koornbeurs'
and to rehearse a couple of songs by Iron Maiden.
On that saturday it soon became obvious that André
lacked sufficient skills to keep up with the others.
So André left the band even before it was formed
and the others went on to form the band Enforcer.
Rob Boshuijzen knew a singer, Alex van de Graaf,
and a second guitar player was found: a guy named
Guus Linneman. The band wrote their own songs
lead by Peter van Heijningen, but at their gigs also
played songs by Iron Maiden.
In the meantime André Kamer wasn't about to
give up and kept improving his playing. He had bought
his electric guitar in 1983 because he wanted to write
music like that by Rush.
That was exactly what he started doing next.
In March of 1987 he wrote the lyrics for "Cycles
& Circles" and in april he spent an afternoon
with Peter van Heijningen to discuss the music he
had writen to those lyrics, which led to some modifications.
Not long after that a conversation with Rob Boshuijzen
resulted in the idea to get some musicians together
and record the song in a genuine 16-track studio.
This lead to the actual formation of Longshanks
no. 1

Enforcer live at Don Bosco (Rijswijk, sa.
21st feb. 1987), f.l.t.r.:
Rob Boshuijzen - Drums
Guus Linneman - Electric guitar
Alex van de Graaf - Vocals
Peter ten Haaft - Bass
Peter van Heijningen - Electric guitar solo

Alex, Peter ten Haaft and Peter van Heijningen

Rob, after the gig.